It's a foggy AM. En route to Wompy, Pete calls: "We've hit a snag!"
There was a crew setting up for a large bike race today at Wompy. Both parking lots for the most part reserved off. Also large sound system being set up. This is what Pete reported to me. I was almost at wompy, so I suggested i meet him there, and we go to Ames instead. Sure! So that's were we rode today.
Got to Ames at 6:30am. Wx was cloudy but warm, no wind.
So we are setting up getting ready to ride, when this person says: "Excuse me"...
"Where are you riding, because my dog does not like people on bikes" or something around these lines. I was a bit shocked at the strangeness of how this conversation was going. But Pete was right there and replied to her: "Over there, going to visit the place where I crashed." She seemed happy that we would not interfere with her vicious dog and then informed us that her dog would like us if we were not on bikes. What ever happen to 'Share the trails'? Oh well, as we figured we would never run into them again, since we were headed for way out. Witch we did. Crissed crossed the blue power lines several times, over to the other side, where we found some dead end single track. We then proceeded to what was a few years ago a new development, but now it was all blocked off.
At some point in the ride, we came to a low area with may boards to cross over the swamp. Too many bugs to continue, so we agreed to check that out when it's more dry and less bugs.
So we crossed over again, and found some new what seems to be fresh cut single track. This was a fun section. Looks like it did split off at one point, some exploring to do next time.
About 6 miles today, fun ride, it was great to be back on the trails after a few weeks of not riding.
Wildlife: One Snapping turtle (Womba 2),a deer spinal cord hanging from a tree and many super killer mosquitoes. We think the deer was killed by these mosquitoes.