Sunday, October 24, 2010


DSC01932, originally uploaded by rungoogle.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Too bad i had to bail out early. oh well. it was great to meet some new people today. Good ride!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Buck Hill Blue Hills Mountain Bike Ride

I wish I could write that I rode to the summit of Buck Hill (496'), but I had to stop several times to rest. I can say that I did not walk up Buck Hill. I had some good practice slamming down the crack to go from a full stop to hill climbing again.

The summit was beautiful at 7:45 AM. The clouds were clearing, so quite, i could see the ocean, and the Boston Sky line in the morning light.

I started today's ride on the intermediate loop, at marker 2160 I left this loop and rode the trail to the summit at 2165.

I had to ride the same trail back down, (other trails to the summit are marked no bikes). The plan was to bail out and not complete the intermediate loop after the summit. I tried to pick up the 2153, but lost the trail and turned back to the loop. I then bailed at 2151 then to 2130 (nice downhill here). Then got lost again and ended up on the green trail at 2112. In good time i found where i should be and rode some good stuff back to the parking lot. I was thinking at the time, I'm going this way next time.

APRS map: You can see me at the summit, and you may see where i had to turn around near the road. This map is not accurate to the exact path I rode. The trick is to get your signal out the whole time. Tough to do with the leaves still on the trees.