Saturday, October 22, 2011

cold toes

Wore the fresh bike clothes to bed.  Rolled out of bed this AM and did about the same ride as last weekend.  This time I started with the Furnace Brooke Trails, then doubled back the same way (no Fenno Street).  Then down Quincy Shore Drive in the Breakdown lane, and then nature path, to the gravel path around Boston Scientific, then to Squantum Point Park, then onto Sqauw Rock and all the way back home.

Temps at 7:30 AM were in the mind forties F.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

same ride

Did the same ride today as last week.  Strong breeze.  Would have been nice to have a sail.

I did gash my shin against the clipless pedal.   Nice big chucks of throbbing pain for the ride back home.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

early morning at OCC / Navy Yard

101_0795, originally uploaded by rungoogle.

Via Flickr:
USS Stephen W. Groves (FFG 29)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Quincy Bike Ride Trails and Roads and Sidewalks

Same ride as last week.  Fun ride!  Here are some photos.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

local spin

Same ride as last week.  Did add a quick loop around the Sailors Hospital grave yard at the end.  The weather is getting nice for riding.  Cloudy, and cool.  It was a bit breezy, but that makes the sea breeze feel nice.  Next time i will push harder and take less breaks.