Saturday, December 15, 2012

Blue Hills Ride

Hi There!  Early this morning, my buddy SC and I rode the 4 or so miles from the neighborhood here to the Blue Hills.  At the Blue Hills SC showed off some great trails.  Thanks SC!

Temps were from 32 to 34 F.   Sunny.  Frosty mud.  With a light wind.  Minus winter boots, I think I have most of my winter riding  gear all set.

SC reported these ride stats:  We did 15.75 miles in about 90 minutes of pedalling time.

Happy Trails!


Friday, December 7, 2012

c sharp enum examples

Using enumeration in your code is a quick way to make your code more readable. 

Declare a new type

 private enum _medTypes { newMed, changeMed, stopMed }; //newMed =0, changedMed = 1, stopMed =2

Declare a variable of your new type

 private _medTypes _medType;

Converting an int to your new type

_medType = (_medTypes)int.Parse(Request.QueryString["medType"]);

Testing your new type

if (_medType == _medTypes.newMed || _medType == _medTypes.changeMed)

            case _medTypes.newMed:
                msgSpan.InnerHtml = @"Meds written since ED Reg date default as new. 
" +
                          "To exclude a medication from appearing on the discharge note the user needs to uncheck the new box.";
                medsGridView.Columns[0].Visible = true;
            case _medTypes.changeMed:
                msgSpan.InnerHtml = @"Medication changes must be made in LMR.";
                medsGridView.Columns[1].Visible = true;
            case _medTypes.stopMed:
                msgSpan.InnerHtml = @"Meds discontinued since the ED Reg date are displayed below.";
                medsGridView.Columns[2].Visible = true;