Sunday, July 29, 2012

me so thorny!

JB and I rode 15 miles today.  Great ride. I felt strong the whole ride for a change.  We checked out the local Quincy trails, then road to Eaton's Pond trails in Braintree.  Lots of thorns.  But no flats.  The thorns cut me up a bit on my arms. Enough so that my wife in an alarming tone said:  "what happened to you!"

After Eatons we road to Faxon Park, and checked out some of the trails there.  Lost s of thorns there to.  Faxon might me a good place to check out in the winter.

It was a fine day for a ride. I reflected on our ride as I watched my bike dry off.  Looking at the worn tread, and thinking of all fun rides of the past.

The wx was fine for a ride.  Cloudy, and some drizzle.

Happy Trails!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ride Local

Today Steve and I hit the local stuff.  12 miles.  WX was great.  We road the trails around the Marshes and then we hit some trails in Houghs Neck.  I never new there was that much riding in the Neck.  We rode the Dike Trail and some stuff in an area called the Crusher.  This was an old Granite type of processing place.

This was a fun ride, and made me think that Quincy has more to offer for trail riding.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wompy Ride

This evening Steve and I rode Wompy.  Aprox 11 miles.  The wx was hot at first but cooled off before sunset.

After riding the Blue Hills so much, we were in great shape for Wompy.  This was an awesome ride and at a good pace.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Blue Hills Fun Ride

I had a chance to lead a fun ride in the Blue Hills today.  Got to show off some neat trails to a few of my friends that are new to mountain biking.  We all had a great time, and they want to go riding again!

The wx was hot humid, cloudy temps in the 80s.

We toured the intermediate Loop (White Triangle).  With a quick detour to introduce the newbies to single track.  We then crossed Hillside Ave and took a quick ride up to the summit of one of the low alt. hills.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Brownshirt Loop Quincy Blue Hills

Steve lead another terrific ride today.  The wx was hot, sunny, with a light breeze.  Temps in the 80s 90s.  We rode almost 23 miles with 2 hours 15 minutes of pedal time.

We had to stop for a rest, because I started to feel sick from the heat.  After that break I was fine.

Happy Trails!