Sunday, April 1, 2012

Mountain Bike ride Great Blue Hill Blue Hills Massachusetts

Got started around 8AM Temp was about 33 F.  Road up Wolcolt Path.  Right at the start my legs were burning. As a result of this feeling, I placed the bike in the easy gear.  Took a right on to 1122, then another onto 1121, right onto 1166 and all the way to 1191.  Here it was a left onto The yellow multi-use trail.  Road this system to 1085, then up the path leading to the paved summit road of Great Blue Hill.  Road the paved road to the summit of Great Blue Hill.  Now it's a bit warmer out, the sun is out, and it's a clear day. Enjoyed the view.  I placed a call out on 146.52 and KA1BBU returned.  We switched to the Norwell 145.39 and had a very nice chat.  73 Bob!

After a nice break at the summit, I road the Coon Hollow Path back to the paved summit road.  This was the most fun part of the ride.  It was very rocky, but because it was a descent, it was quite manageable.

From the paved road, I found my way back to Wolcolt.  Before ending the ride, I did the quick loop around Houghton Hill.  I enjoy Houghton Hill because it's easy climb, with more great views.

A great ride again.  Thanks to the Blue Hills for such a great trail system.

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